inspiration from the Happy Hermit
I did some reading today on the wonderful website: Wow, did I like what she had to say! I was inspired by Brigitte Van Tuijl's message about the importance of authenticity and self knowledge. I strive to be self aware and not compromise my core values. It can be a challenge in the frenetic pace of today's world to tune in to ourselves and tune out of the things that don't serve us. I love that she can claim what it is that makes her tick (she happens to really need a lot of alone time and seriously limits her contact with the outside world in order to create) and that she does so without apology for not fitting into the norm or societal niceties. My father, when I was growing up was an artist and a teacher. He loathed going to the required school faculty meetings so much that he actually worked it into his contract that he would not be part of such activities. That's some really decent self awareness that he practiced. At the time we all thought he was slightly nuts for going against the grain and not just putting up and shutting up. The more I learn about energy and law of attraction, the more I realize how absolutely beautifully my father navigated this territory. So often the people that won't go with the flow, that march to the beat of their own drum are judged negatively by society at large. That is, until others realize just how much fun the person is having, doing exactly what they want to do and then everyone wants to jump on the same bandwagon. As a former actress, and a current stay-at-home mom of three boys and writer, there are so many times where I have forced myself to do things that I don't want to do because I think I have to. For example, PTA meetings (I stopped going to those), spin classes (stopped that too) polishing my toes (it always gets messed up instantly) wearing makeup (only do that on special occasions) small talk (try to avoid this as much as possible) networking (I hate this). I'm really interested in lowering my tolerances for things I don't like. I'm going to be picky, I've decided. I invite you to join me in 2018. Let's be deliberate in the things we allow into our lives, the people we give our time and energy to, the places we put our focus.
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